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Josh Blosveren Quoted in Law360 and New York Commercial Litigation Insider Regarding Proposed Commercial Division Rules

Media Mention

Josh Blosveren was quoted in an April 9, 2014 Law360 article and an April 10, 2014 New York Commercial Litigation Insider article, both of which addressed a new rule and guidelines concerning nonparty e-discovery proposed by the Commercial Division Advisory Council, of which Josh is a member. His subcommittee, the Use of Technology in Commercial Division Cases Subcommittee, drafted the proposed rule and guidelines.

The proposed Rule 34 to Section 202.70 (Rules of the Commercial Division of the Supreme Court) of the Uniform Civil Rules For The Supreme Court And The County Court states that parties and nonparties should adhere to the Guidelines for Discovery of Electronically Stored Information (“ESI”) from Nonparties. The Guidelines are intended to improve the efficiency of nonparty e-discovery and reduce the potential costs and burdens imposed on parties and nonparties by encouraging, among other things, the early identification and discussion of issues relating to nonparty e-discovery

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